
Thursday, December 24, 2009

A welcome letter in The Boston Globe: In league with anti-Semites

THE MUSLIM American community's effort to maintain an open dialogue with US government officials to strengthen our shared goal of security for all citizens is admirable. However, praising organizations like the Council on American-Islamic Relations ignores their historical links to Hamas and their pattern of offering platforms to conspiratorial Israel-bashers and anti-Semites ("Terrorism: Muslim families as first line of defense," editorial, Dec. 15). Evidence presented at the Holy Land Foundation trial in Texas identified CAIR founders Nihad Awad, Omar Ahmed, and Ghassan Elashi as personally involved in discussions regarding fund-raising for Hamas. At the conclusion of the trial, Elashi, who is also the founder of CAIR's Dallas chapter, was sentenced to 65 years in prison for raising funds for Hamas in the US.

Earlier this year the FBI limited its contact with CAIR because of evidence introduced during the Texas trial.

Furthermore, CAIR's InFocus News regularly publishes anti-Semitic articles and cartoons, as well as content expressing support for terrorist groups. And earlier this year, CAIR funded a public advertising campaign in Florida that provided via its website links to anti-Semitic materials.

The writer is New England regional director for the Anti-Defamation League.

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