
Monday, December 28, 2009

Just received Lee Smith's new book, The Strong Horse: Power, Politics, and the Clash of Arab Civilizations. Here are a couple of the blurbs:

"The Strong Horse is hard to describe and even harder to put down. Lee Smith has concocted an addictive and original brew of reportage, memoir, and political analysis that casts the Middle East and its relations with the 'Great Satan' in a fresh and fascinating light. Writing about his meetings with everyone from Omar Sharif to Natan Sharansky, he delivers one shrewd insight after another. Anyone seeking to understand the world's most volatile region should read this timely and entertaining book." -- Max Boot

"A chronicle of one American's journey to the Middle East in search of an answer to the question "why 9/11?", The Strong Horse offers a fascinating depiction of a culture so different from our own that it is a challenge for us to understand just how great this difference is. Lee Smith has faced this challenge, and the insights he offers require nothing less than a radical paradigm shift in American thinking about the Middle East. If we wish to shape history, and not be run over by it, there is no better place to start than by reading Lee Smith's beautifully crafted and deeply moving journey of discovery."

-- Lee Harris

Having met Lee, and having read many of his short op-eds, I'm really looking forward to reading this one.

1 Comment

That sounds interesting, all right!

May we have a book review when you're done?

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