
Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Creeping Sharia blog has been following the story. The professor, Richard T. Antoun, was, apparently, a convert to Judaism. His assailant, Abdulsalam Al-Zahrani, is a Saudi national. From the description given by his roommates, he sounds like he had a screw or two loose (obvious). Take a look at these two posts for details: Muslim Grad Student Stabs Binghamton (NY) Middle Eastern Studies Professor to Death and Muslim students tried to avoid Binghamton killer, others say he 'acted like terrorist', felt persecuted.

Update: More news and links at American Thinker: Professor slain by Saudi grad student


Professors must be armed and trained to take out jihadists who threaten the peace at institutions of higher learning.

Another case of pre post pre traumatic stress syndrome syndrome.

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