
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

From Eye on the UN:

The UN Fact-finding Report on Gaza: 21st Century Blood Libel

The Goldstone Report was commissioned by the UN Human Rights Council following Israel's military action in Gaza. The Council's objective was the political defeat of Israel by gutting any lawful exercise of the country's right of self-defense.

The Council set a mandate to focus only on Israel and its predetermined violations of international law. The Council selected investigators who had already publicly expressed the view that Israel was guilty.

This video contains footage of the Council's consideration of the Goldstone report. Lining up to congratulate Goldstone are some of the world's leading human rights abusers. They understood the report as granting a license to declare Israel guilty of a "holocaust," "concentration camps," "genocide," and "crimes against humanity."

Also in the video are statements by Israel's accusers which illustrate the political agenda behind the Goldstone mission.

The video includes Anne Bayefsky's response to Goldstone during his "dialogue" with states and non-governmental organizations at the Council, and Goldstone's Israel/South African apartheid analogy as an answer to her cricitism. While the President of the Human Rights Council castigates Bayefsky for her remarks, he has no difficulty thanking Israel's attackers for their hate-filled demonization of the Jewish state.

Great concluding minute.


Great concluding minute. ???

Could you please explain? From the video I could not discern this.

I like the way they juxtapose all the thank you's with the various countries at the end. I thought that was clever.

(Actually, the accent reminds me of the Google Wave intro video if you've watched that.)

Of couse "Israel is all bad and Hamas are the victims".
How about those women and children that Hamas uses as human sheilds and how about the Hamas strategy of operating within and behind the civilian population and turning densely populated areas into an arena of battle?

Look who is speaking about human rights and genocide - Sudan, Iran, Syria, Livia...


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