
Friday, October 9, 2009

Sri Lanka still:


Economist: Sri Lanka's internally displaced - A view framed by barbed wire: "The fate of a quarter of a million interned Tamils is poisoning Sri Lanka's hopes of ethnic reconciliation"

The Human Rights Council back in May: An update on Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka last night scored a major propaganda coup when the UN human rights council praised its victory over the Tamil Tigers and refused calls to investigate allegations of war crimes by both sides in the final chapter of a bloody 25-year conflict. In a shock move, which dismayed western nations critical of Sri Lanka's approach, the island's diplomats succeeded in lobbying enough of its south Asian allies to pass a resolution describing the conflict as a "domestic matter that doesn't warrant outside interference".

Priorities. The continuing and growing irrelevance of international institutions continues apace.

[h/t: BL4I]

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