
Thursday, October 1, 2009

From Divest This!

The Forward published a piece recently highlighting the divestment "movement's" hypocrisy in demanding the world boycott Israeli universities while simultaneously demanding that boycotters who teach or attend these schools continue to enjoy the privileges of a subsidized education or tenure.

Ha'aretz had an equally entertaining piece on the BDS crowd's willingness to latch onto and wreck the work of others (such as the organizers of the Toronto Film Festival) just to score political points (which they never notice they lose when people flock to Israeli movies or buy out Israeli goods).

I know a familiar tactic to counter BDS is to point out the host of Israeli- or Jewish-created goods and services surrounding the divestnik's life (Intel processors, cell phones, instant messaging, Wassermann tests) and show what they'd have to give up in order to truly live by their creed. But as I've stated before, objective reality has nothing to do with the motivation behind BDS.

If I could definitively prove that their actions would lead directly and inexorably to the death of millions of innocents (even better, millions of Palestinians - whose lives they claim as their moral loadstone), they would not budget one millimeter in their trajectory. For Palestinians, like Israelis, like Americans, like virtually everyone in the world are simply props to their storyline, a story that casts them as the avenging revolutionary: aging, paunchy perhaps, but still on the vanguard of some great and noble battle.

I've commented on this type of fantasy politics before, and while I prefer papers like the Forward having fun at the divestor's expense (vs. falling for and disseminating their hoaxes), they miss a couple of more troubling points.

First off, fantasy politics is not something to be shrugged off because of the inconsistencies it invariable generates. Rather, people being able to commit deeds ranging from inconsiderate to pure evil while convincing themselves of their unquestionable virtue is the bane of our civilization, and the driver behind history's darkest moments. The worst acts of brutality ever committed were not performed by people who saw themselves as wicked or sinful. Rather, they were committed by people who knew in their heart of hearts that all goodness resided in them (which made stamping out what they considered "evil" to be a moral imperative, no matter what the cost). Consider that the next time you watch a BDSer turn their head with indifference to the suffering of anyone in the world that does not serve their political purposes.

On a more practical matter, there is an increasing tendency to let the marginalization of BDS justify any attack on Israel that does not include a boycott or divestment component. In the month of Goldstone, we've already seen sentiments along the line of "of course Israel is guilty of x, y and z..." (x, y and z being a series of increasingly unverified and unfounded accusations of criminality and brutality), "...but we should not boycott them (at least for now)."

While I'm happy to see that many Israeli bashers recognize that something exists (in this case boycott) that are still beyond the pale, I would prefer that they (as well as the general public) recognize that divestment is not the bastard cousin of the "Israel is guilty! What was the charge?" crowd, but simply the purest expression of a sentiment they have let loose in the world.

The language of human rights and international law, the alleged defenders of those principles like the UN and Amnesty International, well-meaning civic institutions such as the Mainline Protestant Churches or British trade union movement have all been corrupted, their principles sacrificed in order to create a world where Israel will be perpetually in the dock. Even if none of this ends up in real (vs. fraudulent) boycott, divestment or sanctions (at least today), BDS should provide a warning smell of the rot spreading through the very institutions meant to protect those who need protection the most.


And speaking of rot- have you seen this announcement from the "proud to be ashamed to be jewish" folks at the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network?

In the long tradition of Jewish working class involvement in and support for liberation struggles, IJAN-Labor stands in solidarity with the High Follow-up Committee for the Arab Citizens of Israel, the National Committee of Local Authorities, and all parties, movements and institutions of Palestinian civil society in Israel, who have called a general strike for today, October 1, 2009.

This strike marks the ninth anniversary of the Jerusalem and Al Aqsa Day in October 2000 when Israeli authorities massacred 13 Palestinian protesters. The killers have never been brought to justice.

IJAN-Labor also welcomes the Trades Union Congress (U.K.) resolution of 17 September, which endorses the growing movement for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israeli apartheid, and calls for reconsideration of the TUC's relationship with the Histadrut, the Zionist labor federation whose latest crime was to support Israel's attacks on Gaza.

The BDS campaign has been endorsed by a growing number of labor bodies, including the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), Solidaires Industrie (France), UNISON (UK), Transport and General Workers’ Union (UK), Western Australia Branch of the Maritime Union of Australia, Canadian Union of Postal Workers, Canadian Union of Public Employees-Ontario, six Norwegian trade unions, Irish Congress of Trade Unions, Scottish Trades Union Congress, and Intersindical Alternativa de Catalunya.

In the United States, despite growing support from labor organizations and populations across the globe, the AFL-CIO and Change to Win fail to recognize what their British counterpart has now acknowledged: that Israel is a state built on defeating the aspirations and solidarity of working families not only in Israel but internationally.

Often without the knowledge or consent of union members, US Labor officialdom remains a leading accomplice of Israeli apartheid and the Zionist colonialism of which it is part. For more than sixty years, it has closely collaborated with the Histadrut, which has spearheaded — and whitewashed — apartheid, dispossession, ethnic cleansing and exploitation of the Palestinians since the 1920s.

Indeed, the Histadrut (as both employer and union) provided lethal weapons which the South African apartheid government used against Black workers, while at home it either excluded or segregated Arab workers.

Today, in solidarity with the general strike of Palestinian workers in Israel and growing international labor support for BDS, we call on US labor organizations to divest their estimated $5 billion investment in State of Israel Bonds, and to end all relations with the Histadrut.

You want a boycott?

Boycott Scotland and the United Kingdom

Abdel Baset al-Megrahi has been set free by Scotland

But we will not allow Gaddafi to win.

Boycott Libya

Protest Against Gaddafi at the UN

Kenny MacAskill must resign for justice to be served.

Mr. Salmond and Mr. Brown must apologize to the families of the Lockerbie victims.

9/11: Never Forget

THE TIMES: Lockerbie bomber 'set free for oil'

THE TIMES: UK and Scottish governments ‘did deal’ over Lockerbie bomber release

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