
Sunday, October 18, 2009

According to AP, a suicide bombing in Iran has killed several Revolutionary Guard leaders.

When I first saw the headline I was totally baffled. I wondered if this was action by a dissident group linked to the reform movement but it seemed totally unlike them - and sure enough it turns out to be the work apparently of Sunni Muslims rebelling against the government and against the Shi'a who constitute a very large majority in Iran.

I hadn't realized the insurgency in Iran was this serious. Maybe one should say "insurgencies" - one doesn't hear much about these problems because the press in Iran is anything but free.

I had read that al Jazeera was turned off there for awhile, the government blamed it for inciting Iranian Arab tribal groups. These are mainly located in Southwest Iran.

This bombing was carried out near the border with Pakistan, actually I think a region known as Baluchistan, and it sounds like the violence has as much to do with tribal and criminal motives as religion or politics. Drugs appear to be one motive.

But Baluchistan has also seen internal violence and rebellion against the Pakistani government and in that case ethnic and religious tensions are involved and I believe gas pipelines have been attacked.

A thought: suicide and other terrorist violence has been considered to be the right of Palestinians to attack Israelis, ie, "resistance". Hezbollah and/or Iran have also committed "resistance" against innocent Jews in South America and PLO and other Palestinian groups have terrorized Jews all over the map.

When the Achille Lauro was hijacked "resistance" took the form of throwing an elderly Jew in a wheelchair off the ship.

Some people even consider suicide attacks and other forms of terrorism "holy".

But if you look around you'll see this barbarous behavior has spread and it's now victimizing people throughout Muslim states as well as threatening people all over the world.

Maybe such "resistance" wasn't such a hot idea.

Those who continue to give it cover, and this includes the government of Iran, should be ashamed of themselves.

Now, maybe they'll reconsider?


Sunni? Nonsense. It is of course the Jews/Satan/America and our Photoshop Armies stand ready to repulse them. Dirka Dirka.

Reap what you sow.

Sounds like the islamofascist regime of iran just bought a little "blowback".

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