
Friday, September 4, 2009

Rick Moran has a nitty-gritty response to Pat Buchanan's latest bout of WW2 revisionism today at PJM: Pat Buchanan: Knave and Fool - Why is the conservative iconoclast defending Adolf Hitler?

Via Jeff Jacoby on Twitter comes this blast from the past, a 1991 piece in Commentary by Joshua Muravchik: Patrick J. Buchanan and the Jews. As fresh today as when Muravchik wrote it. In fact, at the time, Muravchik takes note of some simple 'hints' of a propensity toward revisionism in Buchanan's writing and speaking. Time has displayed those tendencies fully and openly. I think in retrospect it's pretty clear that William F. Buckley was too kind to Pat way back when. I wonder what he'd have to say now?

Among the many interesting moments in Muravchik's piece is a reminder that Buchanan has blamed Britain for the First World War as well as the Second, and on fairly similar terms.

Update: Via WWIIToday, here's Swedish metal band Sabaton commemorating the Battle of Wizna (9/7 - 9/10/39) in Poland:


Still hate the sign in thing btw.

I was thinking you know you could write how the right like Hannity etc... don't disavow this thinly veiled brown shirt, which is exactly what he is, however, if you watch MSNBC you will see plenty of lefties seemingly not only accepting him but liking and tolerating if not approving of him.

Mike, the sign in thing is the same as it's always been. Not signing in is the same as usual commenting. If you want a formal account and can't get the registration to work for you, email me with a desired username and password and I will try to set up an account for you to sign in with. A minority of people who comment here have bothered registering.

The lefties love Buchanan because his mere presence affirms what they always say about conservatives. Here they have a real fascist on board. How convenient for them. It's time for conservatives to start distancing themselves from this guy more than ever. The mask is really off.

I take it back. You already have an account. "Mike Nargizian". If you can't figure out the password, or how to change it yourself, email me what you want and I will change it for you.

I know I have an account but after trying to sign in for the 20th time months ago I just do this now.

The left on MSNBC, Matthews, Micah Brzynski etc.. don't hold Pat up as the big bad racist Paleocon, not that simple my man. On the cntrary Joe and Micah and Matthews I feel genuinely like him.
And Hannity will disagree with him on certain topics lightly but definitely gives him big props personally and for his books when he has him on.

Stewart, I'd have to assume can't stand him but has him on because its a business and its free speech.... but won't go after him the way he goes after Bush, neocons etc...

Everybody likes him personally. I hear he's a nice guy. Even Buckley never said he was an anti-Semite, or would ever personally mistreat Jews, he just said his writing was "functionally anti-Semitic" (or words to that effect). I bet I'd like him if I met him. It just shows that not everyone with horrible, dangerous ideas and attitudes is parading around their bedrooms with swastika armbands saluting their Hitler busts.

I've known he's had a bad attitude toward Jews and Israel for a long time, but there gets to be a point where you have to say enough is enough. He's reached that point for me.

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