
Thursday, September 17, 2009

No ABM's for you: Obama to Scrap Bush-Era European Missile Shield Plan. As the article explains, while this may be an appeasement move toward Russia, Gates is also making the argument that the alternative being deployed will be geared toward the short and medium range missiles that are the more likely short-term threat, and will also be able to be deployed sooner.

Nevertheless, it's not a great day for the announcement, as Jules points out, it's Happy Molotov-Ribbentrop Day!

The Poles and Czechs are not feeling the love.

Meanwhile, the secret is out at the IAEA, and Iran has the capability of producing nukes NOW, and is building the missiles, though the IAEA is denying this. [edited]


I hope you aren't counting on the laziness or illiteracy of your readers, but you write above:

"Meanwhile, the secret is out at the IAEA, and Iran has the capability of producing nukes NOW, and is building the missiles."

which has a link to:

which actually REFUTES your assertion. Tsk tsk tsk.

You know what, for once, you're right (though still an anti-semitic asshole).

Now to refute your other point:

In October of last year the news story from the Czech Republic was:

"Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek faces a battle to win parliamentary approval for a U.S. radar station to be built on Czech soil as part of a missile defence shield planned by Washington."

At best, this plan was controversial in both Poland and the Czech Republic. This reversal in the shield's fortunes won't be a reason for crying.

I'm neither an anti-Semite nor a holocaust denier nor a person who wants to push Israel into the sea. I am proud to be a Jew, but I don't believe in Zionism, but -- hey! -- neither did Maimonides or Hillel. And I don't believe it is proper for Jews to trash other people's religions -- hence my criticisms of your postings of "cultural" events such as inviting Geert Wilders into a synagogue to stand on a bima and deliver hate speech. That's about as un-Jewish as it gets. This kind of thing is taking Judaism into the gutter.

When was the last time Daoud got into a tizzy over

- islamofascist depictions of Jews as sons of pigs and monkeys
- islamofascist regime of iran declarations of death to Israel
- islamofascist denial of the Holocaust
- islamofascist use of a WMD on the Kurds of Halabja - resulting in 5,000 deaths?
- islamofascist honor killings of girls?

And Daoud, true to form, gets his panties in a knot over Gert Wilders, but NOT racist speakers in mosques.

Funny, eh?

You are an anti-semite or so far gone you don't know the difference. You wouldn't post links to Jew hating sites to support your "points" otherwise. Nor would you oppose Jews attempting to defend themselves as a People like any other People would. You'd find a different tone for your criticisms otherwise, but you don't. You hate, and it's Jews on trial for you. You're a skeptic of any defense but a slobbering sycophant for any slander. Have fun on your next propaganda "peace" trip to the West Bank. You haven't contributed a logical point since you started haunting this blog.

BTW, you didn't "refute" what I wrote, you "disputed it," and not a point I made, but something I implied, which wasn't much of a trick since that was a point made in the article I linked to.

Now, piss off.

One word translation for Daoud (thanks, Eddie): Schmeckel. Two words: World-class schmeckel.

The ISM (Islamofascist Solidarity Movement) has another true believer in Daoud.

I expect when the ISM orders Daoud to run infront of an oncoming bulldozer, Daoud obediently complies - like Saint Pancake.

The UN nuclear watchdog dismissed an Associated Press report that said the agency had concluded Iran was on its way to producing nuclear weapons, Reuters reported late Thursday night.

from #1's link

but we all know that Muslims lie. They use taquiya which is prescribed in the Qur'an and true to form Mohamed ElBaradei obeys the command in the interests of Islam.

The thing David Daoud Dahlan should worry about is whether the Wahabbi crowd in Saudi Arabia is going to gets its ass kicked by Iran's Shia.


There are plenty of Jewish names out there behaving in the most anti-semitic fashion - from the historic kapos to the alter-Jew and lately from the Guardian's comments the house-Jew.

I'm neither an anti-Semite nor a holocaust denier nor a person who wants to push Israel into the sea. I am proud to be a Jew, but I don't believe in Zionism,

so where do those persecuted Jews go to, to get away from the unpleasant daily encounters of vile language, ravings and violence, the double standards; the only place where they are not cursed as dirty Jews?

On this blog you're "proud" of being a Jew (for argument's sake only?); and when you're out on the street along with the fascist-islamist alliance?
Some of my best friends ...


And back to the subject at hand...

I would like to read some informed, behind the scenes, as apolitical as possible, analysis about this decision. The military brass is OK with it, but they can be political, too.

Politically this was clearly handled about as badly as you could possibly handle it. Not only the choice of day, but the fact that our eastern European allies weren't even consulted. Sounds like they're as pissed as can be, even to the point of not taking phone calls from our POTUS and SECSTATE.

Even given as a fact that the initial placement was politically a tough sell at home, that just makes it worse. Foreign leadership sacrificed political capital standing with us, and we screw them without so much as a by your leave. Think they'll do that again? Think their own opposition won't learn the same lesson?

I thought at the very least these guys were supposed to do diplomacy smart. That was the pitch at least.


"Not only the choice of day"

Yes. 70 years ago, September 17, 1939 was the day Stalins Soviet SOCIALISTS invaded Poland.

On September 1, 1939 national SOCIALISTS invaded Pland.

On September 22, 1938 the SOCIALIST brothers in arms celebrated their conquest of Poland joint victory parade of Wehrmacht and Red Army in Brest-Litovsk at the end of the Invasion of Poland.

September 28 – World War II: Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union agree on a division of Poland after their invasion.

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