
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Via American Digest, here's an excellent post and comment thread by a lefty blogger trying to talk a little reason to her fellows: Feminists and the mystery of Sarah Palin. Read it all as they say.

Also see today's Best of the the Web: The Biden Curve - Palin was "stupid" for saying what he says now.

Over the weekend, as we noted yesterday, Vice President Biden said that if Israel decides it needs to take military action against the Iranian nuclear-weapons program, the U.S. will not "dictate" otherwise. A reader points out that Sarah Palin, who ran against Biden in last year's election, said much the same thing in a September interview with ABC's Charlie Gibson...

But of course. For the record, I thought the resignation thing was a puzzling move, and though I liked her during the campaign, the bloom is off the rose a bit. Nevertheless, the hatred toward this woman and her family is pathological.

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