
Friday, June 19, 2009


This is like Sesame Street for douche-bags. What's most interesting here is that this is conspiracy theory so embedded (previous here and here) that it's perpetuating from generation to generation. This guy's kid is the one keeping him up on this stuff. Click the picture above for video, here's the transcript: MEMRI TV: Egyptian Cleric Hazem Abu Ismail Calls to Boycott PEPSI: Name Stands for "Pay Every Penny to Save Israel"

Following are excerpts from an address by Egyptian cleric Hazem Abu Ismail, which aired on Al-Nas TV on February 16, 2009.

Hazem Abu Ismail: Do you know what the word "Pepsi" means? Pepsi as in P-E-P-S-I. The first P stands for "Pay." E stands for "Every." The third letter stands for "Penny." A penny means any small coin you receive and don't know what to do with. Pay it to "Saving" I - "Israel." In other words, pay every small coin you receive in order to save Israel. They don't want money from you - they want your small change, your pennies. If I'm not mistaken, in American economics, a penny is one-thousandth of the dollar. It's not even worth a piaster. It's only a millime. At least I think it's worth a millime, not even a piaster.

They say: "Donate the small change you don't need, but give it to the right cause. If you collect small change, you can buy this drink." They took the first letter of each word - "Pay Every Penny Saving Israel" - and they formed the word "Pepsi." When you pay [to buy Pepsi], you are saving Israel. I am not talking about Pepsi, but about Coca Cola and all of them. I don't want to specify the products. See for yourselves. You are Muslims. You can tell me. I don't know. My little son knows more about the boycott than me. When we go shopping, he says to me: "Buy this, don't buy that." He knows them by heart. He has become an expert in this.


This is pretty hillarious considering it was PEPSI that was honoring the Arab boycott of Israel and not selling PEPSI products there until recently.

The schmuck couldn't even hop on Google to figure out the value of a penny. Typical. Lost.

#1 ak47pundit

This is pretty hillarious considering it was PEPSI that was honoring the Arab boycott of Israel and not selling PEPSI products there until recently.
Driving in Israel some 25 years ago, long before Oslo and the PA, Nappy always knew which side of the Green Line an Arab village was on by whether the signs were for Coke or Pepsi. Unlike Pepsi, Coke did not follow the Arab League's boycott and did business Israel. Israel had Coke and villages in Judea and Samaria that had been ruled by the East Bank regime had Pepsi.

It's also a safe bet he never heard the Pepsi jingle from 1940 or knew that Pepsi, like Coke, is older than the State of Israel -- older in fact than Tel Aviv -- so the cute little initialism had nothing to do with how the name came to be.

it also can be " Pay Every Penny Save Islam " Can't it ?

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