
Saturday, June 6, 2009

Egypt Bans Marriage to Israelis. The point to take away is that this is a popular decision. The court made a decision that resonates with the people. It's a mistake to think that removing dictators will result in better condition. Sometimes we get the dictators we deserve. There's an interplay there between the attitudes of the people and the pandering of the totalitarian.

After the verdict was read in the Cairo courtroom, Nabih al-Wahsh, an Egyptian attorney, jumped for joy and received an avalanche of telephone calls from friends congratulating him on his latest legal victory.

Al-Wahsh has managed to extract a ruling from Egypt's Administrative Court -- which rules in disputes between citizens and the state -- that would force the Egyptian government to strip Egyptians married to Israelis of their Egyptian citizenship. The May 19 ruling was met with the cheers of millions in this populous Arab country.

"This is an historic ruling," al-Wahsh said to reporters after the ruling. "Egyptians married to Israelis are dangerous to Egypt's national security, acting in ways that contradict the constitution of their country and Islamic laws," he said.

Calls flooded into TV talk shows discussing the verdict and readers posted comments on Web sites of newspapers that wrote about it.

Everyone appeared united in elation at the ruling, as well as in hatred of the Jewish state and everything that related to it...

1 Comment

Hatred! Joy! Elation! All interwoven into a unified, cultural, societal and institutional whole.


All cultures are the equally viable, we just need to understand, and submit to the mysterium tremendum that is the multi-culti ediface; do not question, have faith; if it feels good, believe.

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