
Thursday, May 21, 2009

In the 24 hours since the arrest of the four would-be Jihadists in New York City, two of the most powerful media outlets in the nation have deliberately avoided the use of the "M" word in describing the perpetrators. All converts to Islam while in prison, James Cromitie, aka "Abdul Rahman," LaGuuerre Payen, aka "Amin," David Williams aka "Daoud," and Onta Williams, aka "Hamza," all evinced hatred of Jews (not exclusively Israelis) and the U.S. military. Cromitie is on record at the time of his arrest as saying:

"I hate those motherf - - -ers, those f - - -ing Jewish bastards . . . I would like to get a synagogue,"

NPR's only comment on Cromitie:

"One of these gentlemen was very angry about the U.S. war in Afghanistan - a lot of Muslims were being killed by U.S. military actions."

NPR reporters obviously have no trouble in identifying Muslims when they are perceived victims (i.e., all the time).

On NPR's Morning Edition, reporter David Greene, formerly editor of the Harvard Crimson, strongly suggested that the federal sting operation was entrapment:

"The FBI were sort of goading them on, providing them with weapons that would never be able to be detonated."

Greene's interlocutor, Morning Edition's host, Steve Inskeep , interrupted him, declaring excitedly,

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait a minute - the federal authorities were their arms supplier!?" (In my book, that's called "leading the witness").

All four self-proclaimed Jihadists were described by Greene simply as "Three Americans and one Haitian citizen."

Clearly, NPR was functioning more as a potential defense team than as journalists.

Had a mosque in Harlem been targeted by white, religious separatists, would NPR have hesitated for an instant in identifying their group affiliation?

For its part, CNN refers to the Jihadists as simply "four men" or "four individuals."

Both media giants continually stressed that the planted bombs and missiles were harmless, having been rendered so by the FBI, thereby, in large measure, exculpating the four Jihadists.

Most regrettably (and predictably), Senator Charles Schumer toed the kinder and gentler Democratic Party line by emphasizing that the four "had no clear ties to any terrorist group."

For a minute there, I was a bit worried. Case nearly closed. William Kunstler, where are you now that we need you?


I had to actually wait to hear the "M" word and the "I" word on the...wait for it...BBC! Fortunately, the local NPR affiliate (KALW San Francisco, natch) has chosen to combat the overt jingoism and American exceptionalism of NPR by airing BBC news at the top of the hour. Fair and balanced!

Prison based converts - that presents obvious problems for the Obamaphile and BDS true believers, because Europe has refused to take any of the Guantanamo prisoners, and U.S. governors and other politicos have refused to accept them into any of the fifty-seven states. So the spin provided by "news"/administration communications networks is not surprising.

So now we know on the basis of hard-core empirical evidence (because we didn't previously have a clue?!?!), absolute bare minimum, that prison based converts to Islam are an issue in and of itself. (Are they moderates, or Islamicists and jihadists? Only NPR and the broadcast networks and others among the de facto Obama administration know for sure! And, of course, not to worry, because Chucky Schumer has reassurred us they don't (presently/yet) belong to any officially proscribed terrorists network! Oh, that's a relief, Chucky, we're again "safe" on the basis of spin and rhetoric emanating out of the Left/Dems in Washington D.C.)

Oh, but it's all a legal issue, one wherein a multi-culti wonderfulness, and Obamaesque teleprompter-based rhetoric and spin, will work its feel-good magic.

Do I sound sarcastic, or irreverent toward Obama and Chucky & Co.? Oh dear.

Seems I was wrong, seems I missed a Mr. Teleprompter/Rhetoric speech and news reports today. My own governor here in Colorado and Obama have apparently agreed to house 200+ Guantanamo prisoners in Super Max. Lovely. FtL

I know this is really boring and you are skipping to the next comment, but I just wanted to throw you a big thanks - you cleared up some things for me!

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