
Saturday, March 21, 2009

In case you hadn't heard, George Galloway isn't being allowed into Canada. Here's how The Guardian frames it, in a story by Audrey Gillan focusing on the creative use of language used to justify his exclusion: Canada bars 'infandous' Galloway

A furious George Galloway last night vowed to fight a ban on him entering Canada on the grounds of national security.

The MP for Bethnal Green and Bow had been due to speak at a number of events in the country but his anti-war stance was drawn to the attention of the government by a Jewish group...

Ah yes, the Jews don't like his 'anti-war stance,' so they kept him out. Of course, George Galloway isn't anti-war, he's just on the other side as they say. Perhaps the exclusion has a bit more to do with his recent $35K gift to Hamas, among many, many other things that put him on the side of the enemies of civilization.

But leave it to the UK press to cut through the confusing details and distill things down to their real essence.

Also on Galloway, see Flea here and here.


The bastard is coming to the US before Canada.

Time to do a citizen's arrest on the fat f*ck.

Didn't he lie to a Congressional committee a couple of years ago? Time to roll out the death penalty for perjury.

I have NEVER seen an "anti-war" demonstration denounce al qada, osama bin laden, Russa.

"anti-war" is euphemism for Anti-America and pro-totalitarian.

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