
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

At the IFPS: Dutch MP Wilders refused entry to the UK

Dutch Right-wing politician and controversial anti-Islam campaigner Geert Wilders has been refused entry to the United Kingdom despite being invited to visit by a member of the House of Lords, the British parliament's upper chamber.

Mr Wilders, who was due to go to London this Thursday, received a letter today, 10 February, from the British ambassador to the Netherlands telling him that he was not welcome, reportedly because his visit would constitute a threat to public order.

Mr Wilders responded to the decision in fighting mood, telling Dutch media that he still intended to travel to London:"I'll see what happens at the border. Let them put me in handcuffs."

Also, Brussels Journal: Will Geert Wilders Be Arrested at Heathrow?

Note that Wilders himself represents no physical threat of violence. He is not a terrorist, nor does he advocate for terror or violence. Britain simply has too many people in it who may do violence to him or to Britain itself that they feel they can afford to allow Wilders the 'luxury' of free speech. Too dangerous. But the danger isn't in Wilders, it's in Britain.


Fear. Kowtowing, subservient fear. Masked, via a contented conformity to PC, multi-culti dogmas and dictates that are not - repeat are not - to be examined.

Such is the desiderata of officiously infused: fear.

It doesn't shock me...

Arafat got invited to the UN while declaring death to Israel and the West, but a guy who simply quoted from the Quran (the Arab's own words) can't get into the UK. It's such a farce.

Harry's Place notes that:

"Sheikh Qaradawi - the cleric who theologically legitimates suicide bombings aimed at civilians and who has called for Muslims to punish “the Jews”, as Hitler did - has not been banned from the United Kingdom.

He was certainly refused a visa on one occasion. However, I am told that Qaradawi he has not been sent the same letter that Feiglin and Wilders have received, telling them that they will not be admitted in the future.

I have heard that the reason for Qaradawi’s equivocal treatment is that, because he supports terrorism only outside the United Kingdom, he is thought potentially to have a role to play in the Government’s PREVENT anti-terrorism strategy. Therefore, there are those in Government who oppose a permanent ban on the man."

So, if Qaradawi promotes the destruction of Israel, the United States, India, or any other country, the British government is ok with that. These people are not our allies.

..when I say 'these people', I mean the government, not the British people, who seem to have a very healthy hatred for their current govt.

One hopeful sign - there's an anti-tax group that's driving the left crazy

In other words: Britain is sitting on a powder keg, and they know it.

But rather than deal with the powder keg, or even admit that it exists, they've chosen to outlaw matches.

I suggest a BOYCOTT of all products, businesses, exports, music, from the UK.

It won't be the imported match but a local short circuit that will light the fuse.

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