
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Free Gaza fools (including Cynthia McKinney) finally got turned back on their way to the next photo op. Sounds like they may have dented their boat: Drama on High Seas: Navy Stops Pro-Arab Boat

The Navy stopped pro-Arab activists around midnight Monday from reaching Gaza by stopping their "Free Gaza" vessel for the first time after several previous landings in Gaza. Activists claim the Navy rammed their boat, and they charged Israel with "piracy on the high seas."

The movement's spokeswoman Greta Berlin told Israel National News that the incident occurred approximately 50-60 miles off the Gaza coast, in international waters. Any vessel can be legally required to identify itself in order to prevent it from entering prohibited territory although its passengers cannot be arrested in international waters, explained Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor.

The Free Gaza boat, dubbed the Dignity, collided with a Navy boat, but Berlin said the activists on board have pictures to prove it was rammed, an allegation that Palmor said is ridiculous. "If we wanted to hit it intentionally, everyone would have drowned," he told Israel National News.

Ministry spokesman Yossi Levy was quoted by a CNN correspondent on board the 60-foot vessel as saying that the collision occurred when a Navy boat tried to turn around. Free Gaza claimed that at least half a dozen Navy boats surrounded the Dignity...

James Taranto is great on this today at Best of the Web.


This was foolish of the Israeli navy to do so. It walked right into the activists' propaganda trap. They were waiting (hoping) for just such a thing to happen. What harm would they do in Gaza, anyway? A few photo ops? Their easy time getting to Gaza would have taken the propaganda wind out of their sails.

Usually I might agree. But if there were ever a time to put their foot down, now is the time. If they let this one through at this time, one could seriously question the IDF's seriousness. As it is, I doubt even their friends are going to have much patience with Greta Berlin's silly histrionics. The Gaza Boat is...something...during quiet times for getting attention, but while there's a real war on, I don't think anyone gives a damn.

Greta LIAR Berlin belongs in a straitjacket and fed Prozac with an IV drip.

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