
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Yet another idea that sounds pretty OK. The trouble is we have a strong dream-desire for a conflict-free world, and sanctions perpetuate conflict. It's not long before people start thinking you're the cause of the conflict and not the genocide-promising, Holocaust-denying Islamist terror-state, and Russia and China seek to isolate you and the Europeans let them...and we can't have conflict with the Europeans.

It'll never work.

1 Comment

Actually we need to pursue this. It's a good idea.

One thing republicans need right now is to be in a position to rescue Obama from the angry leftist mobs who will soon be banging down the white house doors. Being willing to back him fully on his signature foreign policy posture will increase his leverage overseas and republican leverage at home. good good good.

There's an opportunity to set the agenda early on, ensure that Obama is committed to an active policy on Iran, and signal to the world that the US is united.

The only thing missing from the strategy as wsj presents it is a strong statement of willingness to put our relationships with our allies in jeopardy to achieve the aim. Obama needs to be willing to risk it all and republicans need to be willing to back him in that in order to demonstrate our seriousness in this.

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