
Thursday, November 13, 2008


This guy reminds me of Chomsky..."All the best experts agree..."

MEMRI TV: Iranian TV Director Said Mostaghasi Comments on MEMRI TV's Translation of "The Secret of Armageddon" and Declares: Jews Sent Columbus to Discover America in Search of the Promised Land

Mostaghasi: "Protocols of Elders of Zion" Confirmed As Zionists' Goals By 'Many Documents and Many Reliable People'

Said Mostaghasi: "Zionism already existed three or four centuries ago - in the 16th century - although it wasn't called Zionism then.

"What is the connection between [Zionism] and the plan [for an Israel] 'from the Nile to the Euphrates?'

"They acted very slowly. They have a very well-known text called The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which contains many issues, including all their goals and plans. There are 24 protocols. They claim that the Protocols does not belong to them, but there are many documents and many reliable people who have determined that it indeed belongs to the Zionists. The Protocols describes a gradual process that takes place worldwide, and explains how they will take over the world. The fundamental issue is not [expansion] from the Nile to Euphrates - the "Greater Israel" that they talk about now, from the Nile to the Euphrates. Instead, their main goal is world domination. The 'Nile to the Euphrates' plan and the establishment of the State of Israel are tactical measures, but the fundamental goal is to take over the world.

"They began this plan three or four centuries ago - or perhaps earlier, but we have documents regarding the past three or four centuries - and it has progressed in a decisive manner."

Interviewer: "You are talking about The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which Herzl and his successors have tried to implement...

Said Mostaghasi: "There are 24 protocols, which constitute a charter...People wrote books based on it - like Henry Ford, author of The International Jew. Even Winston Churchill had confirmed the veracity of the Protocols, before he placed himself at the service of the Zionists."[...]

"The Discovery of America by Columbus Was Made Possible by the Money of the Jewish Aristocrats"

"Even though they claim that the Protocols does not belong to them, if you examine the last century - or the past 50 or 60 years - you can see they have been acting exactly in keeping with The Protocols...

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