
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Here are two must-reads on the federally-funded, Democratic professional voter-fraud racket group, ACORN. First, from the Wall Street Journal: Obama and ACORN - Community organizers, phony voters, and your tax dollars:

...the organization's real genius is getting American taxpayers to foot the bill. According to a 2006 report from the Employment Policies Institute (EPI), Acorn has been on the federal take since 1977. For instance, Acorn's American Institute for Social Justice claimed $240,000 in tax money between fiscal years 2002 and 2003. Its American Environmental Justice Project received 100% of its revenue from government grants in the same years. EPI estimates the Acorn Housing Corporation alone received some $16 million in federal dollars from 1997-2007. Only recently, Democrats tried and failed to stuff an "affordable housing" provision into the $700 billion bank rescue package that would have let politicians give even more to Acorn.

All this money gives Acorn the ability to pursue its other great hobby: electing liberals. Acorn is spending $16 million this year to register new Democrats and is already boasting it has put 1.3 million new voters on the rolls. The big question is how many of these registrations are real...

...Which brings us to Mr. Obama, who got his start as a Chicago "community organizer" at Acorn's side. In 1992 he led voter registration efforts as the director of Project Vote, which included Acorn. This past November, he lauded Acorn's leaders for being "smack dab in the middle" of that effort. Mr. Obama also served as a lawyer for Acorn in 1995, in a case against Illinois to increase access to the polls.

During his tenure on the board of Chicago's Woods Fund, that body funneled more than $200,000 to Acorn. More recently, the Obama campaign paid $832,000 to an Acorn affiliate. The campaign initially told the Federal Election Commission this money was for "staging, sound, lighting." It later admitted the cash was to get out the vote...

Second, at Pajamas Media: The Complete Guide to ACORN Voter Fraud - They register dead people. But that's not all

...Further igniting the voter fraud/voter registration debate was the news that a national community organizing group is being investigated in at least 14 states and several swing states for massive irregularities. This news would make headlines anyway, but what made it worse was that Barack Obama was a key player in this organization, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, in the past. Obama trained its local leaders, represented the organization in court, and worked to funnel funds to the organization. The Obama campaign also donated $800,000 this year to an ACORN affiliate...

Both pieces are essential reading, and worth remembering when election season is over.

1 Comment

Foreclosures are hitting records and more and more families are suffering from debts and other financial related problems. Thanks to ACORN, the Community Reinvestment Act and its sister organization, the Self Help, Inc. What ACORN wants could hardly be called Self Help – government help at the expense of taxpayers Inc, would be more like it. However, the numerous times that the glaring contradiction in giving everyone a cash advance that wants one by the Federal Government doesn't do anything to slow Bertha Lewis, head of ACORN down. She is indefatigable in pursuing the establishment of a welfare state, and isn't interested in getting people to pull themselves up by the bootstraps, the way it used to be done. A day's pay for a day's work isn't what they have in mind, ACORN wants free lunches for everyone but those who have already earned theirs.

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