
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I just realized I had forgotten to mention a couple of the books I'd received recently (one of the minor perks of running a blog -- I happily receive any "stuff" people would like to send...if any holiday resorts are looking for a mention I'm certain we could work something out...).

From Devorah Publishing: Timeout: Sports Stories as a Game Plan for Spiritual Success by Dov Moshe Lipman. From the product description:

"Time-Out" appeals to the sports fanatic who wonders what "Torah" can offer him, the "Torah" scholar who questions whether sports can teach positive lessons, and everyone in-between. Whether it's learning about consistency from Cal Ripken, Jr, developing a work ethic from Michael Jordan, or striving to reach beyond your potential from the U.S. Olympic Hockey Team, each chapter keeps you at the edge of your seat cheering for the "Torah" concept with no less enthusiasm than for the against-all-odds touchdown. Every entry is a winner and each one conveys a priceless lesson in an unforgettable metaphor.

From Feldheim Publishers: Lone Star: Based on a True Story by Devorah Rosen. Description:

It's a sweeping novel with an alluring mixture of historical fiction, present-day realities, and deep, intricate suspense. A Mossad operative makes his way to Iraq, and his life--and his country, Israel--will never be quite the same again. The prestigious Lavian family in Iran lives in daily terror from the radical regime, but the tension spills over when they must undergo a traumatic change that throw them into a vast abyss of fear and uncertainty. And in a prison cell in Israel, a terrorist faces a terrible fate with a chilling twist that has long-reaching ramifications for himself and for his enemies. The multi-faceted plot, well-drawn characters, and richness of this spell-binding novel make it a superior read to savor.

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