
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Someone has put a whole lot of cash into distributing the movie Obsession as an insert into millions of newspapers across the country. I find this to be a risky endeavor, as the film is important, but pretty heavy-handed, so you never know what the reaction will be. Good for the already converted, unpredictable for the uninitiated. CAIR, of course, is flipping out (They're on to us!). Robert Spencer has a series of posts discussing many of the of clueless reactions:

Reaction to Obsession DVD distribution shows many Americans clueless about jihad

Pennsylvania woman deeply offended to learn that there's a jihad against the U.S.A.

"All in all, the propaganda campaign is a shameful episode for the Fourth Estate"

Columnist: Obsession distribution all part of the vast right-wing conspiracy

Jihad violence offends Muslims -- no, wait, scratch that -- Obsession DVD offends Muslims


I have to wonder, what person or organization can afford to distribute this somewhat poorly-made film, and what do they hope to gain from it? Was this distributed by Robert Spencer or some related organization?

If not, I'd guess that it was CAIR. They have the same point of view as Spencer (Islam seeks to dominate) they have the same amount of support from Muslims (slightly above 0%) and they seem to have a their spontaneous outrage all packaged and ready to go.

PS. the earth looks great!

Anecdotal evidence... two different people I work with asked me if I saw it... they took the time to watch it and had very favorable impressions.

It may seem a bit heavy handed, but it's no more overstated than are most political ads and at this silly season people are a bit numbed to heavy-handed cases being made.

I'd say at least two pairs of eyes and the family that watched with them have had their eyes opened to something they had thought very little about.

That IS very interesting. It's always a big question mark in situations like this.

The funding comes from the Clarion Fund, a 501 (c) (3) non profit organization with a 3 step approach to education (the dvds were step two) as far as distribution, a lot of good people have lent hands for this issue.. I myself was on the street at the DNC and RNC giving out thousands. What we all hope to gain from this... we want to wake up an America that has become very complacent and cynical to a threat that history has shown us time and time again.

As far as calling it heavy handed... Guys and girls... Lets break these P.C. chains.. if it walks like a duck...

also, the support from the Muslim community is a little better than your "slightly above 0%" they feel Islam is being stolen by extremists.


"How absurd men are! They never use the liberties they have, they demand those they do not have. They have freedom of thought, they demand freedom of speech. " - SorenKierkegaard

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