
Thursday, September 11, 2008

Being a columnist for the Boston Globe means never having to be a slave to the facts. Michael Graham has at it with Globe columnist and Democratic consultant, Dan Payne: 9/11: The Perfect Day For The Globe-Democrat To Compare Gov. Palin To The Taliban

Criticizing the Boston Globe-Democrat for bad journalism is mocking the terrible fashion sense of teenage boys: Why would you expect any better?

But the hate-filled, fact-deficient scrawlings of failed political operative Dan Payne in the Boston Globe-Democrat today manages to break new ground -- quite an accomplishment for an op-ed page that regularly features the writings of James "I Can't Find My Meds" Carroll.

Today is -- if they haven't gotten the word at Morrissey Blvd -- the 7th anniversary of 9/11. And today -- when we remember the mass murder of Americans at the hands of Al Qaeda and the Taliban -- is the day that Dan Payne chooses to write:

[Sarah Palin]'s got a Taliban-like tolerance for beliefs unlike her own.

Stay classy, Boston Globe-Democrat! Hey, maybe on December 7th you can print that Gov. Palin is a "Conservative kamikaze who should never have made it past Hawaii!"

If I had the time and interest, or if I believed there was still a fact-checker on the payroll at the BG-D, I would take the time to point out the many glaring fact errors in Payne's pathetic tirade.

The obvious ones...

Graham goes on to enumerate some of the specifics, most of which (the correct information) have appeared in the Globe's own news pages.

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