
Thursday, September 11, 2008

Seven years ago I was driving to work, listening to the Howard Stern show on my then endless commute. Stern & Co. had gotten very serious and were talking about a plane...maybe a small plane, maybe something else, that had hit the World Trade Center. It wasn't until about 9:30 or so that I got to my office and could see some of the images.

NASA Remembers
...This image is one of a series taken that day of metropolitan New York City by the International Space Station's Expedition 3 crew that shows a plume of smoke rising from the Manhattan skyline...

Cox & Forkum: That Day (click for larger -- much larger)

Cox & Forkum: FDNY 9/11 (Click for larger)

Dan Rather on Letterman:

Particularly: Part 2. I just wish Dan had remembered some of the things he said that day: "...unlike the Gulf War, we will have the staying power..."

Update: Smooth Stone remembers one of the victims: Welles Remy Crowther, age 24

1 Comment

We can't falter in our vigilance or we risk seeing history repeat. I hope that these posts we put up help to ensure that we never forget.

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