
Sunday, August 31, 2008

Well, I was going to put up a post on how I had fixed comment preview, but now I see I managed to kill comments entirely. Will fix.

Update 9/1/08: Should be functioning now. Comment preview should work, and note that you can register a local account on this blog, as well as log in using other methods -- typekey, openid, livejournal, and Vox if you want. You can also click reply next to a comment to reply to that comment. Your resulting message will note that fact and link to the original comment (though not note the number of that comment -- I'll be looking into that to see if it's possible). Comments don't display in a threaded manner because I just have never much liked that method. To me you lose the chronological flow of things.

I am always open to hearing your preferences on that and any problems you still note, if any. Oh, I also changed the pull-quote background to a color with rounded corners. I also added rounded corners to the comments. You don't see the roundy corners in IE, though (coding idea blatantly stolen from LGF), sorry.

Blogging will resume to "normal" shortly. As to me, I'm off to enjoy a sunny Labor Day.

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