
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Jaw dropping. Hat tip to Adam Holland for pointing this one out. Leftist Tikkun Magazine has published a piece by noted anti-Semite Israel Shamir. There's such a deep pathology at work here it would keep a panel of psychology PhD candidates occupied for weeks. An editor's note explains:

Like most of what Israel Shamir writes about Israel, this article reflects a perspective that has far too little sympathy for the fate of those killed and wounded when the Palestinian named Hosam charged his huge tractor into a bus in the center of Jerusalem. We publish it here nevertheless because of our commitment to provide our readers with perspectives that they are unlikely to hear in the mainstream media and which present ideas with which we must grapple. In this case, the attempt to humanize the Palestinian is part of our discourse--a Tikkun commitment to see the spirit of God in every human being, even those who do hurtful or muderous acts. We only wish Shamir could do the same thing for Israelis as he does so well here for Palestinians. And his hatred of Judaism itself might have been grounds to simply dismiss the article, except that it represents a growing sentiment among many Israeli secularists.

A "growing sentiment"? "We only wish Shamir could do the same thing for Israelis as he does so well here for Palestinians."? He's a Jew hating nut you idiot! "...ideas with which we must grapple..." He has sympathy for Arabs that run over Jews with bulldozers and manages to blame it on the Jews themselves! Grapple with that idea!

Surely there must have been a better way to get out whatever ideas the Tikkun editors felt was so important in this piece other than republishing the likes of Israel Shamir. Next time try an editorial. Here's the piece: Heemeyer Rides Again

...A few days ago, a young Jerusalemite got aboard his Caterpillar tractor, ran amok on the main street, hitting buses and cars and was finally shot dead by a vigilante...

What's it say about your values when the best exponent of what you're concerned about is Israel Shamir?


...get Lerner and the Tikkun folks, along with Nasrallah, Kuntar, and a couple a few million fellow travelers on a lovely bus to Tehran. Then blow the farking place up. I hate to say it, but it's really getting close to that point...

Tikkun has deleted the original post. Here is a link to a cached version.

Thanks. Z-Word took on the issue here and here, as did Harry's Place. Amazing it took them all this time to get to it. Apparently Lerner claims he didn't know it was posted???

Israel Shamir on 9/11: “The Afro-Americans did it”
Ever since 9/11, Russian-Israeli writer/researcher Israel Shamir has stepped into the spotlight as an authority on Zionist criminality with a trilogy of books purportedly exposing the Talmud, Kabbala, etc. But a closer look at Shamir’s writing — given what we now know about Israeli complicity in the events of 9/11 — exposes him as an agent of disinformation. “The kamikaze [9/11 perpetrators] could be practically anybody..,” he writes on his website ( “They could be Native Americans returning to Manhattan, or Afro-Americans who still have not received compensation for slavery.” Given this little piece of absurdity, the well-informed reader can safely assume that Shamir — like so many of the other damage-controllers that play down Israeli involvement in 9/11 (Alex Jones!) — is little more a professional liar. The 800lb. Gorilla poses this thought: could Shamir have been intended to replace the great Israel Shahak, who — along with having the almost exact same name — also authored a trilogy of books exposing the Jewish conspiracy?

I look forward to Israel Shamir sharing the same bunk as Israel Shahak, the bunk in HELL.

Who gets the top bunk?

Israel Shamir is extremely brave to take on the all powerful monster of Jewish racism.

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