
Friday, June 27, 2008

In City Journal, John Robb* describes the counter-fear factor

We can counter fear, however. The best method, FBI trainers say, is to get control of your breathing. “Combat breathing” is a simple variant on Lamaze or yoga training—breathe in four counts, hold four counts, exhale four counts, and repeat. It works because breathing is a combination of the somatic (which we control) and the autonomic (which we can’t easily control) nervous systems. Regulation of the autonomic system deescalates the biological-fear response and returns our higher-level brain functions to full capacity. So one of the best ways you can prepare yourself to overcome fear in a crisis is as simple as a meditation, Lamaze, or yoga class.

I’ve been in situations that appeared to be life-threatening yet I don’t panic if I feel that I have some control over the situation. All is not lost if you have a plan B, C or D. Plans B, C or D may not be good or effective plans, but they keep panic away.

However, if I feel that I have no control over any aspect of the situation, I do panic. I’d guess that that’s why the breathing tactic works - it gives the sense that something can be controlled.

Which is why AP 'News' articles like their recent "Everything seemingly is spinning out of control" are so annoying. The best way to make everything spin out of control is to induce panic. The media continually tries to generate their own self-fulfilling prophecy.

* Links and criticism of Chicken Littleism thanks to Alan Sullivan

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