
Thursday, May 8, 2008


Then: Israel at 60: A Time to Celebrate by Allison Kaplan Sommer:

...The truly amazing and miraculous part of the story is that in the face of its struggles against its enemies, Israel has not only survived, but thrived. The Israeli economy is thriving and robust, that the level of high-tech development in such a tiny country and that we produce not only a record number of new inventions and research papers to the world, and world-class scientists - along with supermodels, soccer coaches, and Olympic wind-surfing champions. Along with prestigious universities and holy places, a thriving nightlife and a fun-loving and youth culture.

There is certainly a less cheerful side, too. Anyone who has read my blog over the past five years knows that I, like any journalist working here. certainly do not look at Israel through rose-colored glasses.

And yet - skeptical and cynical as I’ve been trained to be, as aware of all of Israel’s flaws as anyone could be - after all, I’ve made a good living chronicling them, I still can’t help being impressed by this feisty little country on a regular basis...

1 Comment

The existence and thriving of the State of Israel is nothing short of an open miracle. Anyone who thinks otherwise is simply not being realistic.

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