
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Right where it will do the most good, in the European version of the paper: Al-Durra Case Revisited

It's hard to exaggerate the significance of Mohammed al-Durra, the 12-year-old Palestinian boy allegedly killed by Israeli bullets on Sept. 30, 2000. The iconic image of the terrified child crouching behind his father helped sway world opinion against the Jewish state and fueled the last Intifada.

It's equally hard, then, to exaggerate the significance of last week's French court ruling that called the story into doubt. Not just whether the Israeli military shot the boy, but whether the whole incident may have been staged for propaganda purposes. If so, it would be one of the most harmful put-up jobs in media history.

You probably didn't hear this news. International media lapped up the televised report of al-Durra's shooting on France's main state-owned network, France 2. Barely a peep was heard, however, when the Paris Court of Appeal ruled in a suit brought by the network against the founder of a media watchdog group. The judge's verdict, released Thursday, said that Philippe Karsenty was within his rights to call the France 2 report a "hoax," overturning a 2006 decision that found him guilty of defaming the network and its Mideast correspondent, Charles Enderlin. France 2 has appealed to the country's highest court.

Judge Laurence Trébucq did more than assert Mr. Karsenty's right to free speech. In overturning a lower court's ruling, she said the issues he raised about the original France 2 report were legitimate...

Nidra Poller follows with an important op-ed in the same edition: A Hoax?

Exciting, in so far as we've gone from a point where even mainstream Jewish groups were afraid to question the issue to the point where the questions have finally gained traction and legitimacy.


Except that the damage has been done, and it is irreparable.

Moreover, if the general belief is that the state of Israel is an unspeakable crime, a terrible injustice, a grotesque historical mistake, or if not these, then simply a liability, what difference does such a hoax make. In such circumstances, Charles Enderlin is a valiant hero, a noble battler for justice, whom supporters of the Zionist Entity are doing their best to besmirch and undermine.

In short, you are trying to convince people who either have no care for the truth or who believe that the eradication of Israel is a cause that supercedes truth.

What, after all, is the value of mere "truth" when compared to such a virtuous goal as the destruction of Israel?

Yes, the 30s, if one hasn't yet noticed, are back, in a new, more global, and more terrifying incarnation.

The difference between the 1930's and today is that the Israelis are not the unarmed Jews of WW2 Europe.

Let America hating, Jew hating Europe continue to be overrun by Islamofascist barbarians. Except for Denmark and the Czech Republic, I couldn't care less for Europe.

I can hear it now...
"Ok, Al Durah was not killed by Israelis but thousands of other kids were..."

The framework of Al Durah has been in place for so long, and has been supported for so long by mainstream media - it is entrenched in many peoples minds.

Even so - I think it is fantastic that THIS case is nearing a close.

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