
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Sounds sensible to me:

Congressman Joe Knollenberg, of Farmington Hills, Michigan, introduced today H.R. 5816, the CARTER Act, acronym for the Coordinated American Response to Extreme Radicals Act.

The CARTER Act would prohibit any taxpayer dollars from being directed to the former President Carter's Carter Center...

...The $19 million pales beside the tens of millions that have flowed to the Carter Center from MidEast sources. I've been told by researchers experienced in the funding of such organizations that they've been unable to penetrate the walls erected by the Carter Center to know its exact finances...

Save money, save the world.

Update: Even Palestinian Islamic Jihad won't meet with Carter.


It's about time someone stepped up to stop this craziness. Does he even realize he's not president anymore ? I support this bill with all I've got in me !

we the people think carter should be charged with treason

I would love to know the opions of those over 200 marines that died in Lebanon and the dead Christians in Isreal, Lebanon, Seria, etc. that Hamas is responsible for, Nuff Said

Jimmy Carter is a haboob. A haboob is a type of intense sandstorm commonly observed in the Sahara desert. (thank you wikipedia).
Isn't he the guy who's negotiating skills were so great, that 53 Americans were held hostage in Tehran, Iran for 444 days?
Jimmy, remember Operation Eagle Claw. These terrorist screw you right and left and you still want to kiss their hineys.
Hey Jimmy, can you say "Logan Act"?
Congress wont do it, but they should lock you up for being in violation of said act.

I just wonder what all the families of soldiers died in WW I, WW II, Korea, etc, all the wars, plus the soliers and their families in Iraq think of ex president Carter. Not to mention 911 families. Also the amount of money. Everyone I have talked to about this is appalled that our government will allow this to happen. I think he is going to roast in hell for this.

Nice job, Carter! Negotiating with people who consider you a puppet and wouldn't think twice about laughing at you as they are killing you and your family. Unfortunately, your efforts only make you an accessory to murder [by proxy]; explain that to your victims' families!

He needs to be tried for treason, not only fo rwhat he did, but also for using our, the tax payer's money to fund it.

Jimmy Carter should be put on the "No Fly" list to keep him from hob nobbing with the axis-of-evil enemies of Western civilization.

I can't believe the knee jerk parrots on this blog.

Terry want a cracker?

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