
Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Forward gives space to Jeremy Ben-Ami, the head of the new "anti-AIPAC," J-Street: For Israel's Sake, Moderate American Jews Must Find Their Voice.

"Moderates." That's a laugh. J-Street is a Leftist organization, and therein will lie the seeds of its own irrelevancy. AIPAC and the rest of the establishment isn't right wing, they support Israeli choices -- something the Leftists who backed the Geneva Accords (including the Israelis among them) never could understand. AIPAC is non-denominational, so to speak, as the guest-list of their functions will clearly demonstrate. They've made sure that, in most elections, no one candidate will be "good for the Jews" and the other not, and they do so through education toward the facts and good analysis, not just wishful thinking and donations.

Some of the same people who tried to give us a sales job on the Geneva Accord are active in this latest effort. They'll be just as successful this time around. The keys to peace are not locked away in Washington, Brussels, Jerusalem or Tel Aviv. They are held in Gaza City, Ramallah, Damascus, Tehran, and Riyahd.

The best summing up comes from this comment to The Forward piece:

Look at it this way: More money for this guy's group means less money for CAIR.

OTOH maybe CAIR will turn out to be less anti-Israel. We'll see.

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