
Monday, April 28, 2008

I'm back. The site was taken offline due to a resource issue early this morning and I've been trying to work with my host to get things back up since then. I have to admit, I'm not too happy with them right now. If I were to post the exchanges between myself and Hostgator support it would leave the technically-minded of you shaking your heads in disbelief. You'd swear they were intentionally giving me the business, which is sad, because generally they've been quite good. Even now I'm fanning away the steam that's been coming out of my ears all day.

Anyway, I've got a day's worth of email to catch up on. Posting will proceed in earnest shortly, and I apologize if it seems I've been in a one-day time-warp when it does. Email will be returned as time allows.

We appreciate your patience.


Welcome back. I did wonder.

I had hosting problems until I went to Their new one is and I highly recommend them.

Thanks, GM. I really need more of a full-featured host rather than a blog-specific host, though. I host several sites on the same account and use the space for various things. It's a sandbox. :)

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