
Sunday, March 2, 2008

I'm truly amazed. An article in the Globe that uses the term "illegal immigrant" not only more than once, but even in the title. What's the world coming to? And it's about a law in Arizona that threatens to penalize employers for hiring them -- supply-side enforcement -- and illegals are leaving the state...without rounding them up or any of those horrible things we supposedly can't do. They're just...leaving:

PHOENIX - Parents are pulling students out of school. Construction workers are abandoning their jobs. Families are hastily moving out of apartments. more stories like this

Two months after Arizona enacted a law punishing employers who hire illegal immigrants, the law is already achieving one of its goals: Scores of immigrants are fleeing to other states or back to their Latin American homelands.

Gaby Espinoza, who has been unemployed since November, is among those affected. She gave up looking for a job because of the law and might return to Mexico.

Espinoza's husband works here legally, but the law means that employers must ask her for papers...

There's this:

...The departure of so many students upsets people like Jackie Doerr, who is principal at Andalucia Primary School, which is in a separate district in west Phoenix. She said teachers had made progress teaching English to many of the children. "They have to leave and start all over again. It's just so frustrating when you see how far they have come," she said...

I'd be willing to bet that the tax-payers in Doerr's district do not share her priorities.


It's about time. The only problem---they are heading to California. If this works in Arizona maybe other states will follow. The Peoples Republic of California believes that all homeless, illigals, anyone who earns less than $150,000 a year should get free everything. Come on over. Deposit your welfare check and lay in the sun. What a State. Love it!

I like the part about those who earn less than $150,000 a year. I take in less than that. Where do I sign up. Don't laugh...given the cost of living in New York City, anyone earning less than $150,000 a year really is struggling!

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