
Thursday, February 14, 2008

Arthur Chrenkoff has beaten me to reviewing Robert Ferrigno's Sins of the Assassin. I agree with his positive review, and a comparison between this, the second installment in the series, and The Empire Strikes Back, was exactly what I was thinking. It's another page-turner from Ferrigno which really holds the reader's interest: Futuristic Thrillers Set in Islamized America.

Ferrigno's characters are highly memorable, so even though it's been about two years since the first one I was able to fall back into the "world" pretty quickly. Hopefully it won't be two years for part 3.


Third book of the trilogy comes out Spring, 2009. Honest. My deadline is in four months and I have the headaches to prove it. Glad you enjoyed SINS.

What i wonder will the 3rd one be called?

requiem of the assassin?

What a stunning, scary and sobering map of the old USA. Can you buy a print of this anywhere?

Hey Preston,
Most interesting comment. What will the third book in the series be called?

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