
Tuesday, January 1, 2008

So I follow a link in my referrer log over to a Digg thread that's digging this lolcats picture:


It's at a lolcats site called icanhascheeseburger, and it's a picture of an Israeli soldier I've seen before, turned into a lolcat pic, which is how, in a roundabout way, someone ended up putting a link to this blog in the thread and I ended up finding it.

But that's not why I'm posting about it. I'm posting about it because...well, look at the comment thread. They're talking to each other (and I mean a LOT of comments), in lolcat language. LOLCAT LANGUAGE! I'll tell ya up front, I'm no stranger to hanging with odd crowds, but I gotta admit, that one creeps me out a little. Over 200 comments worth of it. Wow.

Oh, and judging from the amount of traffic both the site and the Digg thread attract, I'm officially on the wrong end of the internet for attracting clicks. Countdown to this site becoming a lolcats site begins in t-minus 30, 29, 28...


What the hell is that???

I hope these people do not live in the USA.

I'll be more fearful of the future than i already am.

Anyway what language is that? Some Australian or south African slang?

I get most fads, but the appeal of some, like disco and lolcats, are beyond me.

I asked someone who does get it why this was popular and he said - because they're cats, and it's stupid, so it's funny.

Lolcats? I don't even want to know... just call me blissfully ignorant.

I really really don't get lolcats. I've tried because lots of people put the posters on their blogs and get comments from others saying "that's soooo funny"... while I'm just scratching my head.

I didn't know people were actually commenting in lolcats language. Good grief! I don't think I've got a strong enough stomach to go read it.

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