
Thursday, January 17, 2008

Phyllis Chesler, who was present at the founding of Ms. Magazine, expresses her profound disappointment about the path the magazine's editors have chosen to take..

In her post in Pajamas Media, she says:

Recently, in the pages of the New York Times, Gloria Steinem wrote that we should not hold the only female Presidential candidate to a higher and different standard than we hold male politicians; when we do, Gloria explained, that’s sexism. From 1972 on, I have been explaining to Gloria and to other Ms. feminists that we should not hold the only Jewish state to a higher or different standard than we hold all other nations states; when we do, it is called racism or Jew-hatred or anti-Semitism.

Ms magazine, the National Organization for Women, the Feminist Majority, which took over Ms magazine, and far too many Western feminists have, for a long time, been more concerned with the alleged "occupation" of a country that does not exist (Palestine) than they have been concerned with the occupation of women’s bodies world-wide, especially in Islamic countries.

More on Ms. Magazine's "contemptible" refusal to run a full-page advertisement submitted by the American Jewish Congress that features three prominent Israeli women.


Good for Ms. Chesler. Too bad that no one other than those who already agree with her are listening to her words..........


I'm a 33 y/o male from Chicago.. So I've come of age in the post-feminist era.. I had no ide who Chesler was until I saw her blog on PM a few months ago and noticed her participation in Islamo-fascism Awareness Week.

Then I ran across a few of her Book TV appearances on CSPAN and discover,.. wow.. she used to be (or still is?) a radical leftist feminist.

I really had a hard time believing that considering the strong personality that she displays as a defender of Western Civ.

And then I ran across a video of her appearing on CNN DEFENDING BILL CLINTON during the Lewinsky scandal and wow.. was she saying some inane silly things in order to give him a pass.

She really has come a long way since then.. she's high on my list of those I respect.

Good for Phyllis Chessler - I won't demean her with the Ms. prefix.

Friends of Israel must go on the offensive against "Progressive" Islamofascism and its willing dhimmis.

I wish that "Progressive" Boston church would invite Phyllis Chessler to speak to the congregation.

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