
Wednesday, September 5, 2007

What, no hunger strike?

The long-running confrontation between embattled professor Norman Finkelstein and DePaul University ended today without the dramatics he had promised.

Instead, he read a statement announcing his resignation this morning on the university's main quadrangle before about 120 supporters announcing that he and DePaul had resolved the controversy. But the terms were kept confidential.

Finkelstein had vowed to present himself at his office door today and, if denied entrance, to perform an unspecified act of civil disobedience. He vowed to go on a hunger strike if he were jailed...

...A colorful demonstration for Finkelstein on campus this morning included representatives of the National Lawyers Guild, the Socialist Workers Party, the Revolutionary Communist League and Jewish Voice for Peace...

What, no People's Front for Judea?

Update: An emailer:


first they hired me

then they fired me

then by golly I quit, quit, quit

then by golly I quit


Or is it the Judeans People's Front?

he's a pretty pathetic -0-.
read the story on campus watch... the guy harassed several teachers blocking the elevator of a Dean etc... and I think he verbally abused a female professor while they were deciding on his tenure? Wasn't that part of what sunk him?

First, if you look at the photo showing Finkie speaking to his supposed 120 followers you will see there were no more than 25 there and they were his Hitlerjugend, wearing his Tee shirts. Second, meanwhile, his apologists continue to paint this as a Jewish Cabal Got Finkie story, but in fact it is nothing more than DePaul finally implementing academic standards and conducting campus denazification.

Finkelstein is no more a "scholar" than Ward Churchill. He is a Neo-Nazi hate propagandist who belongs in the beer hall, not on the campus!

Finklestein's hero and mentor, Noam Chomsky has also been known to get physical with his peers when he feels crossed. According to Alan Dershowitz, Chomsky gave a hard shove to a professor who called him down over Chomsky's attempt to deny his endorsement of one of France's pseudo-scholar Holocaust deniers.

As for the "resignation", I imagine he was told to leave of his own volition or be thrown out.

I hear tell the People's Judean Front couldn't make it because it was the wives' canasta night and they had to watch the kids.

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