
Friday, August 10, 2007

That's a quote from a widely circulated email [PDF] (Qutb has been called "the man whose ideas would shape Al Qaeda"). The email was circulated a little over a year ago by Nabeel Khudairi, President of the Islamic Council of New England -- an umbrella organization for New England Islamic groups. The "to:" list is basically a snapshot of virtually everyone "mosque" at the time, starting with currently indicted Mohammad Masood.

The lengthy email, purporting to be an "analysis" of the issues surrounding the Islamic Society of Boston's Mosque situation, wasn't written by Mr. Khudairi, no (at least it's difficult to tell if any of it was). The email was written by...drum roll please, our neighborhood racist anti-Semite, Joachim Martillo (and forwarded around by Khudairi). The title of this post is Martillo's explanation for the works of Sayyid Qutb being present in the Mosque library (from a letter to the Boston Globe editor included in the email -- p. 9).

The email begins, "Jewish groups, afraid of paying millions in damages to the Boston Muslim Community, are now trying to settle out of court." How'd that work out for you? As we now know, there were no such attempts to settle out of court on the part of the defendants, but the idea does sound appealing to someone who has fantasized (elsewhere):

Racist ethnic Ashkenazi American traitors and their non-Ashkenazi panderers should be denaturalized, stripped of their property to cover the damages their criminal manipulation of the US political system has cause [sic] the USA, and they should be sent to prison camps like Guantanamo where they can be interrogated to determine the extent of their treason to America.

Yes, the email circulated by a prominent Muslim leader contains plenty of ranting about racist "ethnic Ashkenazim."

Say fellas, I know it's not in the Koran, but here's an old saying to consider: "With friends like these, who needs enemies?" Accepting advice and analysis from the Martillos of the world is unlikely to lead to anything but ruin and embarrassment.

[Thanks to Miss Kelly for sending the email along.]


The pdf file contains a set of articles that my wife Karin Friedemann circulated via her World View News Service (WVNS), and a member of her mailing list appears then to have forwarded the WVNS report privately.

I am hardly the only person that has noted the similarity between Qutb and Locke. Just check out . At the time he wrote this piece, Muqtader Khan was employed at the Brookings Institute Saban Center for Middle East Studies.

The demonization of Qutb is just part of the racist Jewish/extremist Zionist program to normalize anti-Arabism and Islamophobia in US political discourse. Racist Zionists get away with their insinuations because most Americans do not read Arabic, and there is a dearth of translations of Sayid Qutb's works into English.

In contrast with the ISB library, most synagogue libraries contain viciously anti-Christian anti-Jesus material. In general, I recommend that more Americans learn Modern Israeli Hebrew, Leshon Qodesh, and Arabic so that they can contrast the respect of Muslim and Arab Americans for American ideals with the racist tribalism and disloyal exploitiveness of Zionist Ashkenazi Americans.

The primary political loyalties of Arab and Muslim Americans lie with the USA while racist Ashkenazi Americans and Zionists are invariably willing to sacrifice American interests for the sake of the State of Israel.

Just note that the vast majority of American Ashkenazi religious and cultural institutions fly both Israeli and US flags while Muslim organizations fly only the US flag.

Martin Solomon should tell us whether he would support the USA or Israel in the case of a conflict between the USA or Israel.

The willingness of prominent and numerous members of the organized Jewish community to violate US Code Title 18 Section 241 Conspiracy Against Rights and US Code Title 18.2384 Seditious Conspiracy makes doubting the loyalty of Zionist Ashkenazi Americans to the US constitutional system perfectly reasonable and obligatory.

Supporting the State of Israel is not compatible with American patriotism.

Martillo's comment is 325 word long, in 9 paragraphs.

The subject in this thread is the analogy between Qutb and Locke. Yet Martillo mentions Qutb only twice, Locke once, in two respective paragraphs. The rest of the 322 words and 7 paragraphs is a rather irrelevant farrago of antisemitic writing, with the words "Zionists racists Ashkenazi Americans" appearing in different combinations no less the 7 times, sometimes even twice in one short patagraph.

Two rhetorical fallacies are used in combination here: the "red herring" fallacy and the "ad hominem".

Very common use of these fallacies when a person has nothing of substance to say.

Go back and read Solomon's rant. It is more an attack on me than a discussion of Qutb. In any case, I provide a link to an article by a Saban Institute scholar that agrees with me. Saban for the Incongnoscenti is a psycho Zionist billionaire that funds think tanks to provide pro-Israel propaganda.

For those too slow to realize, I am just showing how easily the usual arguments of Zionist racists to demonize American Muslims as disloyal terrorism supporters can be applied with minor modifications to extremist ethnic Ashkenazi American pro-Israel subversives.

In a 93-word non-response addendum, Martillo manages to squeeze in 4 different variations of his favourite theme: Zionists racist ashkenazi subversives. That's a ratio of one antisemitic slur for each block of 23 words. One line is averagely 23 words. That makes it one antisemitic slur per line.

BTW, what is the validity or relevance of an article published by a scholar sponsored by a "psycho Zionist billionaire" if we apply Martillo's unique usage of the term "Zionist" ("extremist ethnic Ashkenazi American pro-Israel subversives")? Does it mean that this psycho whatever sometimes sponsors legitimate theses? Who decides when the psycho is a bona-fide psycho "extremist ethnic Ashkenazi American pro-Israel subversive" and when the psycho is not a psycho? Is Martillo the decider?

File under: Martillo's Mephitics and Sundry Other Corruptions.

A rose is still a rose, a septic influence still a septic influence, regardless of the labels or other corruptions plied and applied.

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